Operational Risk Management

Experienced and successful developer of full spectrum multi-service and inter-agency operational plans and policy with proven ability to implement and improve programs through broad-based competencies in:
  • All Source Intelligence Collection Planning, Management, Analysis
  • Analysis determining vulnerabilities of industrial infrastructures and social institutions
  • Decision Making Process/Analytical Problem Solving
  • Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning
  • Training and Exercise Development/Systems Approach to Training (SAT) and Simulations
  • Special Operations, unconventional warfare (UW), counter-insurgency (COIN), counter-terrorism (CT), Civil Military Operations (CMO), PSYOPS, Evasion and Recovery (E&R)
Specialties: Mapping and assessment of complex organizational relationships and operational interdependencies to determine potential vulnerabilities in policy, plans, procedures, training, staffing, and job task distribution that directly support organizational effectiveness for competitive agility, business resiliency, and preparedness for continuity of operations.

Globally mobile, I conduct direct consulting for projects with unique challenges. My experience provides a sound foundation in operational principals that are relevant for any occasion. My emphasis is always functional resiliency by supporting organizational decision making with situational understanding and team building, additionally, implementation strategies that are measured for feasibility within the climate of acceptability unique to the organization’s environment and culture. The results are plans, policies, and processes that become and remain proactive. 
Can we confidently achieve operational success?
By Ronald Sheckler 24 Oct, 2019
As an organization is forced beyond its comfort zone of high frequency low risk activity, its foundation of procedures and the quality of its planning will determine recoverability. When situations reach catastrophic, emergency management procedures are in effect. During these conditions the objective is survival over prosperity and a deliberate transition of control to an incident command organization should be anticipated.
Threat spectrum revisited
By Ronald Sheckler 24 Oct, 2019
Optimal risk reduction, especially for human factors, comes from diligent preparedness with relevant policies, comprehensive procedures, and disciplined behaviors. Redundant checks and balances for essential and critical tasks with responsive feedback loops for non-conforming activity are paramount. Know what is vital, be sure of your capabilities, strive to increase self-reliance, but know when and whom to ask for assistance then facilitate transition of incident control. Only enlightened leadership can move an enterprise beyond mediocre management effectiveness. When the full extent and potential of the organization is consistently accessed, vigilance need not be exhaustive nor preparedness burdensome and return on effort is resiliency providing agility, competitiveness, and profitability.
Situational analysis: Ambiguous threat and operational environment
By Ronald Sheckler 24 Oct, 2019
Effective decision-support requires accurate information and competent analysis that values multi-source corroboration and understands that annual reports are, to a certain extent, marketing propaganda and may not reveal all significant intentions. Convenient information should be suspect as should CI vendor products. Once there is confidence for understanding of the Strategic Goal, the remainder falls into place with the three key questions.
Last Incident Experienced
By Ronald Sheckler 24 Oct, 2019
Ideal control of risk is accomplished through situational awareness (SA) supporting understanding and decision-making. SA is measured by how completely it considers all aspects of the organization’s internal functions and relates them to the influences of the crisis situation. At this time more than any other the quality of preparedness is determined by the resiliency gained through routine procedures and complimentary plans which establish the only foundation providing viable emergency management and continuity of operations.
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